Our local Books-a-Million (near Target) is sponsoring JHES with its book drive this summer. Choose a book from this selection or one your child would like to donate, purchase it and leave it at the register. They will be donated to our classroom libraries for all our students to enjoy! Please share this with family and friends.
5 days ago, Jessica Lindsey
Hello Pre-K Parents! Here are details of our upcoming events!
14 days ago, Devin Lacy
Join us in welcoming our new 4th Grade teacher, Mrs. Gholston!
16 days ago, Devin Lacy
Welcome Mrs. Gholston
We are excited to welcome our new custodian, Alicia Sevy!
16 days ago, Devin Lacy
Welcome Ms. Sevy
We will have Meet Your Teacher on Monday, August 5 at 10:00am and 6:00pm. Plan to come to one of those times to meet your new teacher!
19 days ago, Devin Lacy
Meet Your Teacher
Our Kindergarten Orientation is Sunday, August 4 at 2:00pm in the auditorium.
19 days ago, Devin Lacy
Kindergarten Orientation
In just 34 days, our new school year begins!! Here is information about the Back 2 School jam by Decatur Youth Services.
24 days ago, Devin Lacy
 DYS Back to School Jam
Welcome to Julian Harrs Elementary, Mrs. Wilhite!!
about 1 month ago, Devin Lacy
Welcome Mrs. Wilhite
JHES Students collectively read 34,000,000 words this school year! Their efforts and hard work paid off. We had seven students read more than 1,000,000 words on their own and we are so proud of them! Congratulations!
2 months ago, Jessica Lindsey
Awards Days are coming up Tuesday and Wednesday. Teachers will be notifying parents of students that will be receiving an award.
2 months ago, Marcy Reynolds
Awards Day
Check out our latest newsletter from Mrs. Barnes. It includes a lot of important dates for the remainder of the school year! https://www.smore.com/n/6evyq
3 months ago, Marcy Reynolds
Parents, please help us out by taking this parent survey about JHES. Thank you! https://tinyurl.com/33rns26n
3 months ago, Marcy Reynolds
We had a great first day of ACAP testing! Our 2nd-5th graders will be testing from now until April 12th. It is very important for students to be at school on time and ready to test each day. Please make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a good breakfast either at home or at school each morning. Our students have worked hard all year and we know they will do great on the test! Help us encourage them to do their best!
4 months ago, Marcy Reynolds
Book Blast Day 5: Emmari won the iPad today! Congratulations! The fun isn't over. Every day next week we will be giving away treasure chests with cash prizes! Be sure to complete your registration and send out 10 invitations to be eligible to win.
4 months ago, Jessica Lindsey
Emmari wins the iPad!
Book Blast FAQ's: 1. How do we register? Here's a step by step tutorial. https://www.bb.booksarefun.com/how-to-complete-ps 2. What do the goals mean? Each $120 means 10 books. If you exceed your goal, you are helping your school and classmates earn more books. 3. What if we have one than one child participating? Register them all, but you only need to send 10 invitations only. 4. What will my child get? Every child at JHES will receive one book. By registering and inviting 10 people, you will get the three prizes and a free book. After that, your donations will determine the amount of books you earn.
4 months ago, Jessica Lindsey
BB Treasure Map.
Shaw, Alex, and Caleb along with 68 other JHES students successfully registered for Book Blast and are ready to build their home libraries! Students receive prize incentives to complete registration and send 10 invitations to friends and family who could help them reach their goals. It's not too late! Register and send 10 invitations tonight and your child will get their prizes when the books arrive in a few weeks. #bookblast @go.booksarefun
4 months ago, Jessica Lindsey
Shaw, Alex, and Caleb
ATENCIÓN: ¡Estamos regalando un iPad mañana! ¡Actúa ahora! Simplemente invita a 10+ amigos y familiares ESTA NOCHE para apoyar nuestro Book Blast y tu estudiante tendrá la oportunidad de ganar. ¡No te pierdas esta valiosa oportunidad! Si aún no lo has hecho, regístrate aquí: http://bookblast.booksarefun.com/JulianHarrisES35603
4 months ago, Jessica Lindsey
Day 2 Book Blast
ATTENTION: We are giving away an iPad is tomorrow! Act now! Simply invite 10+ friends and family members TONIGHT to support our Book Blast and your student will have a chance to win. Don't miss this golden opportunity! If you haven’t already, register here: http://bookblast.booksarefun.com/JulianHarrisES35603 ​ #bookblastadventures #literacymatters #booksarefun #bookblast @go.booksarefun
4 months ago, Jessica Lindsey
Day 2 Book Blast
¡Comienza la Book Blast hoy! Dedica 7 minutos esta noche a completar el Mapa del Tesoro para ganar increíbles recompensas, participar en sorteos de premios y comenzar a construir tu biblioteca en casa. ¡Invita a 10+ amigos y familiares para obtener tus recompensas y la oportunidad de ganar uno de los cuatro Cofres del Tesoro o un iPad! Visita http://bookblast.booksarefun.com/JulianHarrisES35603 ¡y desbloquea tu tesoro! ​ Los primeros 70 en registrarse y 10+ amigos y familiares recibirán las 3 recompensas al día siguiente. Cualquier estudiante que califique después recibirá igualmente las 3 recompensas después del evento.
4 months ago, Jessica Lindsey
Complete your Book Blast Treasure Map.
Book Blast begins today! All you have to do is invite 10+ friends and family members to earn 3 awesome prizes and a chance to win one of four Treasure Chests or an iPad! Visit http://bookblast.booksarefun.com/JulianHarrisES35603 and unlock treasure. It takes just 7 minutes TONIGHT. #BookBlast #UnlockTheTreasure. ​ The first 70 to register and invite 10+ friends and family members will receive the 3 prizes the very next day! Any student who qualifies after that will still receive the 3 prizes after the event. #bookblastadventures #booksarefun
4 months ago, Jessica Lindsey
Complete our Book Blast Treasure Map