Heads up for Austin's Homecoming Week! Here are the dress-up days for the week of Sept. 30 - Oct. 3.

We are looking forward to our "Snooze on the Senators" Pajama Day tomorrow. Next week is the Flag Florence Patriotic Theme.

Thank you to the Black Bear Cheerleaders who helped our students start the day with smiles and encouragement!

Our JH students are future Black Bears and we will participate in the Austin High School dress-up days this fall. Our first dress-up day is this Friday!

We only have a few colors left for our Color Days. Here is the lineup for next week.

Help our kindergarten students learn their colors. We something with the following colors next week:

We are absolutely blown away at our communities' support of the Books-a-Million book drive for Julian Harris! So far over $1,200 in books have been donate for our school and classroom libraries. There's one more week to contribute. Please shop our local BAM and support our readers. It's going to be a great year.

Shaw, Alex, and Caleb along with 68 other JHES students successfully registered for Book Blast and are ready to build their home libraries! Students receive prize incentives to complete registration and send 10 invitations to friends and family who could help them reach their goals. It's not too late! Register and send 10 invitations tonight and your child will get their prizes when the books arrive in a few weeks. #bookblast @go.booksarefun

ATENCIÓN: ¡Estamos regalando un iPad mañana! ¡Actúa ahora! Simplemente invita a 10+ amigos y familiares ESTA NOCHE para apoyar nuestro Book Blast y tu estudiante tendrá la oportunidad de ganar. ¡No te pierdas esta valiosa oportunidad! Si aún no lo has hecho, regístrate aquí: http://bookblast.booksarefun.com/JulianHarrisES35603

ATTENTION: We are giving away an iPad is tomorrow! Act now! Simply invite 10+ friends and family members TONIGHT to support our Book Blast and your student will have a chance to win. Don't miss this golden opportunity! If you haven’t already, register here: http://bookblast.booksarefun.com/JulianHarrisES35603
#bookblastadventures #literacymatters #booksarefun #bookblast @go.booksarefun

¡Comienza la Book Blast hoy! Dedica 7 minutos esta noche a completar el Mapa del Tesoro para ganar increíbles recompensas, participar en sorteos de premios y comenzar a construir tu biblioteca en casa. ¡Invita a 10+ amigos y familiares para obtener tus recompensas y la oportunidad de ganar uno de los cuatro Cofres del Tesoro o un iPad! Visita http://bookblast.booksarefun.com/JulianHarrisES35603 ¡y desbloquea tu tesoro!
Los primeros 70 en registrarse y 10+ amigos y familiares recibirán las 3 recompensas al día siguiente. Cualquier estudiante que califique después recibirá igualmente las 3 recompensas después del evento.

Join us for our Math Night!

Attention 5th Grade parents...

Book Fair this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday!

Check out our February newsletter from Mrs. Barnes. http://tinyurl.com/42sjy4w3

We will have remote learning Thursday and Friday.

Share your Snow Day Photos with us!

Here is our upcoming Hat Day fundraiser to support our Math Teams!

Check out our December newsletter from Mrs. Barnes! https://www.smore.com/rp2bu

Hello Parents! We will have the Icy Does It truck with us tomorrow. Be sure that your student has the exact amount of money for their order tomorrow. Unfortunately, students will not be able to call home if they forget their money.